Brush after eating

Image result for brush after eating
The best way to whiten your teeth naturally, however not always the easiest, is to simply brush your teeth after eating or drinking something. This takes a lot of persistence and patience.

Quit Smoking

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Most food does not stain teeth, but if you are a coffee drinker or if you smoke, you can pretty much count on having discolored teeth over time due to thinning enamel or staining.

Coconut Oil Pulling

Image result for coconut oil pulling
Simply put a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it between your teeth for five to 20 minutes, or add a few drops to your toothbrush and brush it on. Another option is to apply coconut oil to a corner of a clean washcloth and rub it on the teeth.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Image result for apple cider vinegar
ACV is especially helpful for removing stains due to common culprits like coffee and nicotine (smoking). Studies suggest that for many with dark stains it even works just as well as commercial products as a natural teeth whitener.

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