Goddess Durga is the mother of the universe and believed to be the power behind the work of creation, preservation, and destruction of the world. Since time immemorial she has been worshiped as the supreme power of the Supreme Being and has been mentioned in many scriptures Yajur Veda, Vajasaneyi Samhita and Taittareya Brahman.

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The word "Durga" in Sanskrit means a fort, or a place which is difficult to overrun. Another meaning of "Durga" is "Durgatinashini," which literally translates into "the one who eliminates sufferings." Thus, Hindus believe that goddess Durga protects her devotees from the evils of the world and at the same time removes their miseries.

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Durga is depicted as having eight or ten hands. These represent eight quadrants or ten directions in Hinduism. This suggests that she protects the devotees from all directions. Like Shiva, Mother Durga is also referred to as "Triyambake" meaning the three eyed Goddess. The left eye represents desire (the moon), the right eye represents action (the sun), and the central eye knowledge (fire).


Durga is a popular fierce form of the Hindu Goddess or Devi. She is depicted with multiple (variously, up to ten) arms, carrying various weapons and riding a ferocious lion or tiger. She is often pictured as battling or slaying demons, particularly Mahishasura, the buffalo demon. Durga Puja is the biggest annual festival in Bengal, Assam, Odisha, Bihar,Jharkhand and Nepal, where it is known as Dashain. It is celebrated likewise with much fervor in various parts of India, especially the Himalayan region, but is celebrated in various forms throughout the Hindu universe.

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