It is your immune system job to protect you from foreign substances that can make you ill. The skin reaction can cause mild symptoms like skin irritation, watery eyes or sneezing. Allergic reactions can cause hives, rashes and other skin irritations. Some food allergies can cause diarrhoea, bloating and some digestive issues.

Swelling, redness and itching may be reduced with the use of ice and tropical creams that contain corticosteroids. If you are run afoul of some poisonous plants don’t scratch. Avoid soap and take a cool shower. If symptoms are severe your doctor may prescribe stronger oral steroids or creams.

Most of us have minor reactions to insect bites. If you are bitten by a stinging insect, remove the stinger using an object with a straight edge and a brushing motion. Pulling or squeezing a stinger may release more venom into your body. Thoroughly wash the area with soap and water. Apply ice to decrease swelling and you may use the over counter acetaminopaen for pain.

Check the ingredients of products around your house. Many contain fragrances or dyes that can cause irritation. Be sure to read food labels carefully. Packaged food also contains surprising ingredients. Stock your medicine cabinet with over the counter tropical treatment and pain relievers. 

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