Moisturize daily

Cold weather and cool winds aggravate dry skin condition. Moisturisers and cold creams are a must during winters. Tone and moisture after each cleansing to preserve and replenish the moisture in your skin. Use a moisturising night cream every evening. Apply a daytime moisturiser around your eyes and on dry areas each morning, after a dermatologist's opinion on suitable brands.


oil Therapy

Pamper you skin with a little coconut oil before a bath to heal dryness and chaps. Use a creamy soap that renders that extra suppleness to your skin. Wait 30 minutes after bathing, or washing your face, before going out into frigid air. Splash your face with cool water when you come back inside as it's known that extreme temperature changes can burst capillaries near the skin's surface.


Lip balm

Keep lips covered with a good balm applied several times during the day. Lip balms are now commonly available with an SPF factor. Make sure the lip balm contains SPF 15 or 20. Other ingredients to look out for while buying a lip balm or chap stick are vitamin E and shea butter. Massaging lips with ghee (clarified butter) and leaving a thin layer on overnight acts as a natural protection for lips

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