Fruits and Vegetables

Image result for fruits and vegetables for teenage girls

Multicolored plates of fruit or vegetables may also help to tempt her. Banana, kiwi fruit, blueberries and strawberries work well as a mini fruit platter. Or you could use red pepper, sweet corn, broccoli and cauliflower to make a colorful vegetable medley.

Iron and Protein rich foods

Image result for iron and protein foods for teenage girls

Teenage girls can choke on whole nuts, so try grinding them up and mixing them into his meal. Make sure that any meat products you buy are high-quality, and are made of lean meat with little or no added salt. Iron rich foods helps her during her regular cycle and for metabolism. 

Starchy foods

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Foods made from flour, such as crackers and bread, are also starchy foods. Offer a combination of both white and whole grain foods, or choose half-and-half varieties. Your daughter may like white bread but only eat whole meal toast. Or she may tuck into whole grain cereals, such as porridge, but only eat white pasta.


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