According to the Vedas, hands are the most precious organs of action. The scriptures reveal how every finger is an extension of the five elements. Through the thumb comes space, with the forefinger comes air, the middle finger is fire, the ring finer is water and the little finger represents earth. Hence, eating with one’s fingers stimulates these five elements and helps in bringing forth digestive juices in the stomach.

Eating with hands makes you eat slower and hence digest better because you become more aware of the process of eating as you experience it with all your senses. Many recent studies have shown how you can manage your portions using the hand trick.

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Contrary to popular belief eating with hands is way more hygienic than with utensils because of the simple reason that you wash your hands multiple times a day while we wash the utensils once a day. Moreover, eating with forks and spoons correlates with faster eating, which have been linked to blood sugar imbalances in the body contributing to the development of type 2 diabetes.

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