Drumsticks are very nutritious and a delicious ingredient. Apart from the fruit, the leaves of drumsticks are also very nutritious and carry a plethora of health benefits too. The leaves contain 18 different amino acids that aid in cell formation. Tryptophan is one of the amino acids that controls an individual's sleeping cycle.

It is also called as Moringa leaves and has immense medicinal value as it is a rich source of vitamin a, vitamin B6, vitamin c, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, folate, etc. The leaves also act as roughage and promote proper bowel movement and it is a rich source of vitamin c and E. Moringa leaves aids in producing neurotransmitters.

It is particularly better for the elders as it cuts the risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia by half. The bulky leaves also add a lot of volume and roughage to the food. The intestinal movement of food is properly maintained. drumstick leaves are high with alkaloids that stop the bacterial invasion and heal minor burns, cuts, and bruises. It can also be applied by topically by crushing the leaves and making a uniform paste.

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