Corona virus, took its birth in 2019 december in china, has spread to world countries and took away few lakhs of lives. Some crores of people got infected and reached hospitals within few weeks. To control this, world countries are trying to find vaccine following different combinations of drugs. But many new things are revealed about corona now a days.


Recently british scientist William Kevil came forward with a new solution for the problem. He declared that copper has anti bacterial nature which can eradicate corona. That is why no copper plates have bacterial presence in it. Similarly, it increases immunity power and improves functioning of digestive system. Senior micro biologist in university of Sounthampton professor William has been researching the presence and growth of bacteria on different metals.


He extended his research on copper and copper coted objects and discovered that virus won't survive more than 4 hours once it touches copper. When virus reaches copper surface, the electrons attract the virus membrane and disintegrates DNA. On steel, corona would survive for atleast 3 days.


So, the door handles, shopping trolleys, handrails, Gym equipment, cash machines which we use daily should be copper coated. In past, an American medical team too revealed the same thing that the medical tools in intensive care with copper coating has germ killing efficiency of 95% when compared to other metals.

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