Gas is a normal problem commonly faced by many individuals, which can many times be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Gas can be either passed out of the body by burping or by passing it out through the rectum. Gas is basically an odorless vapor containing hydrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen and sometimes methane. The off odor (that comes when a gas is passed through the rectum) is gained from the bacteria present in the large intestine which releases small amount of sulfur containing gas.

The gas comes in the digestive tract in two ways:-

  • By swallowing air through rapid eating, drinking, smoking, chewing gum or loose dentures.
  • Breakdown of undigested food by some harmless bacteria present in the colon or large intestine.

The most common symptom for gas includes flatulence, bloating, belching and abdominal pain. One should understand that releasing gas or flatulence is a normal process for every individual to gain comfort, but the problem associated with it is its off odor. Excess of anything is harmful, that holds true for gas too. If other disorder is associated or responsible for gas or if eliminating large amount of gas on regular basis (chronic issue) then appropriate medications should be started after consulting a specialist. Gas is however an easy symptom to handle by following certain anti gas remedies, try the following listed below.

  • Holy Basil : Make tiny balls by mixing 10 gm of fresh basil juice and equal amounts of ginger powder with double the amount of jaggery. This is considered as a good anti gas home remedy when followed on regular basis. You can also chew fresh holy basil leaves daily on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Ginger Trick : Slice fresh ginger (thin slices) add salt and lemon juice in it. Mix well and store it in a glass bottle in the refrigerator. Chew one to two slices of this daily after meals. Ginger powder can also be used as an effective antigas remedy. For this mix a pinch of asafetida and salt to ½ tsp ginger powder, and then add to a cup of lukewarm water. Drink this mixture daily to get relieved from gas problem.
  • Food Cure: Certain foods with high fiber and carbohydrate can cause gas. Avoid any offenders which include broccoli, apples, beans, bananas, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, peas, eggplant, milk, cream, ice cream, onions, radish, tomatoes and artificial sweeteners.
  • Move those Bodies: Avoid sedentary life, a human body was not made to sit at one place. Be active and exercise. It will not only help to deal with the gas but it will also help you to remain fit and young.

Flatulence or excessive gas in the abdomen is a very common ailment, affecting thousands of people all over the world. While some of us may experience this problem on a one-off basis, in others it could be chronic. In case you suffer from excess gas, you are also likely to experience other symptoms such as bloating in the abdominal region. Though gas and bloating are not very serious, they can lead to a considerable amount of pain and discomfort. In fact, at times pain caused by excessive gas is so severe it is mistaken for the symptom of a heart attack.

Moreover, excess gas can be quite an embarrassment. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that several people seek medical attention to get rid of this problem. There are quite a few simple and natural remedies for gas that are very effective and easy to use. These remedies can also include certain lifestyle and dietary changes. However, before you use any home remedies for gas relief or make any major alterations to your diet and lifestyle, it is important to for you understand "what causes gas"



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