Beauty is confidence. Beauty is recognition. Beauty is everything. This is the attitude of today’s generation. But this is spoiled by belly fat in young age itself. It is true that kids spend most of pocket money on junk food and most of their time in front of their computers.


Regular exercises one hour a day or walking for kilometers or yoga gives stress to body so that bosy will stay fit and toned.

Avoid junk foods and preservatives or packed food which is not good for health.


Drink more water so that you will feel filled so that we will eat less food.


Eat protein rich food like meat, milk, eggs which cut down bad cholesterol.  


Count the calories while eating and eat food adequately.


Atleast 3 hours time gap is required for sleep and food during nights.


Avoid eating food late nights. Instaed fruits or milk should be taken.


Mind the size of bowl or plate while eating. One feels filled when eating in small plates.


Stay away from emotional eating. When one feels stressful or anxious or in emotional situations, they tend to eat more than normal situations.



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