1. Water is a necessity not only for the beauty and health of our body but also for our survival, because a person can live less than a week without water, while without food more than a month.

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Drinking water is essential for the proper functioning of the body and circulation, because water is a primary transportation mode for all the minerals, vitamins and nutrients in the body. Drinking water helps to boost the metabolism and regulate the appetite, and thus, to maintain healthy weight. Dehydration can lead to headache, low energy levels and fatigue; this is why drinking water is essential for being efficient and energetic.

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  1. Water is the main source of energy for our brain and body and your blood needs water to create new healthy cells, because your blood is more than 80% water. And actually, every cell of your body requires water to function properly.

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  1. Many people eat when they are actually only thirsty. If you drink plenty of water regularly you can easily distinguish and separate those two different feelings: hunger and thirst. Water is a natural remedy form headache, because migraines, for example, are often caused by dehydration.


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