Drink plenty of fluids

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Drinking fluids and staying hydrated when dealing with a runny nose can be helpful if you also have symptoms of nasal congestion. This ensures that mucus in your sinuses thins out to a runny consistency and is easy for you to expel. Otherwise, it may be thick and sticky, which congests the nose even further. Avoid beverages that dehydrate rather than hydrate. This includes drinks like coffee and alcoholic beverages.

Hot teas

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On the other hand, hot beverages like tea may sometimes be more helpful than cold ones. Look for teas that contain anti-inflammatory such as chamomile, ginger, mint, or nettle. Make a cup of hot herbal tea and inhale the steam before drinking. Sore throats often accompany runny noses drinking hot herbal tea can help soothe a sore throat, too.

Facial steam

Image result for facial steam

Inhaling hot steam has been shown to help treat a runny nose. A 2015 study of people with the common cold proved that using steam inhalation was quite effective. Try a facial steam. Heat clean water in a clean pot on your stove and heat it just enough so that steam is created and don’t let it get to a boil. Place your face above the steam for 20–30 minutes at a time. Take deep breaths through your nose. Take breaks if your face gets a too hot. Blow your nose afterward to get rid of mucus. Moreover if desired, add a few drops of decongestant essential oils to your facial steam water. About two drops per ounce of water is sufficient.

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