During winter season many people with dry skin are affected by eczema and dry skin. Moisture your skin with moisturizing creams and lotions and apply in the affected dry areas with the lotion and cream and massage it gently. Moreover the common winter season ailments are heart attack, asthma, joint pain, itchy skin and sinusitis. Itchiness occurs because of low humidity and some homemade remedies prescribed by old grandma's.

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Winter season falls in December month and ends in the end of March. Usually in winter season we get fruits like guava, orange, chickoo, papaya, amla, carrot, beetroot and grapes. Flowers of different color bloom in this season and people to have fun and to see colorful flowers in hill region spends time with their family members.

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Winter is known for its beautiful scenes as the surrounding is green in color and marvelous to look. Usually kids are affected in winter season as their immunity level in their body is very low and they visit doctor more often during this season.

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