Iron and Zinc

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Eating lean red meat, which is rich in both nutrients, twice a week. Pair nonmeat sources, such as soybeans or lentils, with a vitamin C rich food like an orange to boost iron absorption. Have goat’s liver, spinach in addition to get more iron content.

Vitamin D

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Several studies have found that vitamin D may help activate hair growth. However, D is a tricky vitamin. Few foods contain it naturally, and although sitting in the sun for a few minutes a day can help your body produce more of it, many experts advise against it due to the increased exposure to harmful UV rays.


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Protein is one of the building blocks of life, promoting cell growth and repair and it boosts your hair strength. Women should get at least 46 grams a day.  Proteins are the basic building blocks for the bogy, which is got from amino acids. Pregnant ladies, children, elderly people, teenage girls need more protein.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

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Eat fatty fish (like salmon) twice a week for hydrated hair, or take up to 1 gram a day of a DHA and EPA supplement. In addition to silky hair, omega-3s may help relieve depression and are a proven heart-helper.

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