london sources stated that as new unusual hole in the ozone layer has started to form over the Arctic According to the european Space Agency, the ozone layer over the North Pole has been depleted plenty of times in the past. Scientists using data from the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite have noticed a strong reduction of ozone concentrations over the Arctic.


Unusual atmospheric conditions, including freezing temperatures in the stratosphere, have led ozone levels to plummet causing a mini-hole' in the ozone layer, the ESA said in a statement. While the ESA scientists expect it to close up later this month, it's a troubling update on the planet's environmental health. The ozone hole most commonly referenced is the hole over antarctica, forming each year during autumn.


In the past weeks, scientists from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) have noticed the unusually strong depletion of ozone over the northern polar regions. Using data from the Tropomi instrument on the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite, they were able to monitor this Arctic ozone hole form in the atmosphere Arctic temperatures do not usually plummet as low as in Antarctica. However, this year, powerful winds flowing around the North Pole trapped cold air within what is known as the �polar vortex' a circling whirlpool of stratospheric winds. However, its size is still small compared to what can usually be observed in the southern hemisphere, informed ESA.

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