According to sources Japanese people, Valentine’s Day is all about chocolate. On February 14, women in Japan give out two kinds of chocolate. One is called Giri-choco. The other is Honmei-choco. Further one month after Valentine’s Day, Japan celebrates White Day on March 14. Men who received chocolates on February 14 return the favor with white colored treats for women.

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Next place is Denmark, where Valentine’s Day is a new holiday and the young people in the country began celebrating it in the early 1990s. Meanwhile Americans give red roses, young Danes celebrate Valentine’s Day with white flowers called “snowdrops.” They give the flowers to both friends and lovers. Moreover one of the biggest Danish Valentine’s Day traditions is the exchange of a lover’s card.

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Moreover Brazilians celebrate with gifts of cards, flowers and chocolates, in the same way as Americans. But instead of celebrating Saint Valentine, they celebrate Saint Anthony. Finally Philippines celebrate Valentine’s Day in a big way with large group weddings. In fact, in recent years, February 14 has become one of the most common weddings in the country.

Image result for Phillipine's Valentine's Day traditions

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