Sources from Buenos Aires stated that at least 50 people sustained injuries during New Year eve celebrations in Buenos Aires. Meanwhile local health authorities said the report presented by three different hospitals, two specializing in eye injuries and a third in burns, showed the incidents had dropped compared with that of last year. Accordingly ten adults and five children were treated at the city's hospital for burns.

Samantha Foster said "The number of incidents was half that of last year,"  Monday's head of emergencies of Hospital Municipal Quemados and only one of the youngsters remains with burns to the lower limbs. She said "The rest of the injured left after receiving treatment," adding that "nationwide and Buenos Aires city awareness campaigns, news reports and the cost of fireworks" were all factors that helped curb the number of accidents.

Image result for 50 people sustained injuries during New Year eve celebrations in Buenos Aires

Moreover at the other two hospitals, 15 children and 20 adults were treated for injuries. Reportedly at the Lagleyze Hospital, Ruben Casale, who was in charge of emergencies, said of the 20 injured who entered the emergency room, "16 were due to fireworks and four due to flying Champagne corks." Apparently he said there had been a "drastic reduction in injuries. Between Christmas and New Year's last year, we treated 60 patients and this year, we have only had 23."

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