Reportedly Trump administration has attacked LGBT rights in healthcare, employment, housing, education, commerce, the military, prisons and sports and these efforts, it turns out, were just the beginning. Meanwhile the president’s anti-LGBT agenda could soon gain significant momentum at the US Supreme Court, where Trump’s Department of Justice (DoJ) is pushing to make it legal to fire people for being gay or transgender. Meanwhile the move would fundamentally reverse civil rights for millions of people, LGBT leaders say, and raises fears that LGBT people may lose the minimal protections and resources they have won in past years.

Image result for Trump justice department pushing to make it legal to fire people for being gay or transgender

Furthermore under Obama, LGBT people won a number of  key victories, including the repeal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” ban on gay military members, new protections under the Affordable Care Act, an ant-discrimination executive order and expanded recognition of trans rights. Courts have repeatedly affirmed that LGBT people are covered by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the federal government has agreed. But the DoJ is now arguing that sexual orientation and gender identity are excluded under Title VII because “sex” narrowly refers to whether people are “biologically male or female”.

Moreover the definition not only seeks to invalidate trans people, but also altogether erases interested people, who are born with a mix of what are typically considered male and female sex characteristics and make up 1.7% of the population.

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