How is candle linked to our spiritual life ? From ancient times, candles have a pivotal role in every spiritual and religious tradition. Candles are used for prayer, meditation, reflection or even admiring beauty. Lighting up a candle can easily eradicate darkness from the place.

It is a symbol of eternal presence. The flame acts as a bridge between our thoughts and higher consciousness and has the power to essentially ignite our prayers and intentions. The color of the candle is believed to enhance the specific energy of your intention.

The colours and their properties will be explained later and each colour denotes a new frequency and that intensifies the prayer along with that energy. Candles are also used as focal point during meditation.

The process is fondly called as 'Candle Gazing'. This easily helps you to get better concentration. The candle also shows your spiritual strength and power. It all depends on the way you focus. Scented candles can create a perfect ambiance while meditating.

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