
Aries governs the head and brain and their ailments. They tend to over think things to the point of headaches, tooth issues, jaw grinding, and even facial blemishes. Aries can readily take up the challenge and the fight involved with chronic illness. Aries’ dislikes restrictions in life resulting in major frustration dampening their usual spirit. They do not like how symptoms of illness slow them down.

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The strong Taurus gives good hearing and fine teeth, but still an openness to colds and flues. A weakened Taurus is often prone to throat infections, thyroid conditions, stiff necks, tonsillitis, and ear infections when they’re especially worried or acting stubborn. They tend to eat sweet foods including ice cream when they are tired and indolent.

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The twins are ruled by Mercury, which deals with dual body parts  and the respiratory system. Therefore, a strong as well as weakened Gemini tends to attract common colds, whereas a weakened Gemini is also sensitive to flu and cough and tendonitis. Quiet dark rooms are antithetical but helpful for Gemini’s healing.

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Cancer types tend to build psychological barriers and accumulate stress. Crabs are tied to the stomach and digestive system, which is why they’re highly intuitive and emotionally charged. When they bury their feelings and don’t let go of anger or pain, the moon’s influence can lead to indigestion, intestinal maladies, and acid reflux disease. 

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