A teacher asked students to bring few potatoes in the school bag. Next day, each student brought few potatoes in their school bag. The teacher asked the students to give each potato the name of a person they hate. They were also told to carry the potatoes for one week wherever they went. After few days, the potatoes started smelling, and soon the stink became unbearable.  Then teacher asked, “What is the moral of this experiment?”

Each one said something, and finally the teacher said, “This is exactly the situation in life when you carry your hatred inside your mind and heart for long.” Just as, rotten potatoes spoiled your school bag and the atmosphere; your hatred will spoil your mind and heart. Your mind is not free from the victimization by all the inner conclusions and beliefs and the external impact of society.

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Meanwhile if you are a victim of your conclusions, then your thinking is not free; it is bound. Such a bound mind can never think differently.  In management one talks of “out of the box thinking”.  So can you free yourself from conclusion and beliefs and operate from openness. All this needs psychological alertness, but most of us are psychologically lazy. We don’t want to change. It is easy to follow what has been decided. You need strength to think differently and not to allow fear to guide your life.

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