It's difficult to build a relationship with someone who's closed off. "A man who is vulnerable has a counter-cultural willingness to step away from the power position which men are raised to feel comfortable being in," Hunt says. "For the partnership to happen, a man has to be willing to be vulnerable and he has to open his heart in order for that to happen." 

"The cultural discrepancy between equality that's been around for thousands of years where women were unequal to men in every way, socially, economically, politically sexually, that's changing," Hendrix says. "Now women want to be seen as equals to men and not have to compete with men for dominance."

A woman should be emotionally present while her significant other is talking, and she should expect him to do the same in return. But being present also includes being responsive, Hendrix says. Meaning when someone texts or calls their partner, the other person should respond as soon as possible, or let them know if it's going to be awhile before they can respond.

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