These days many films are fascinated with real life characters or books. Farrukh Dhondy's book titled 'The Bikini Murders' which is based on life of Charles Sobhraj who is widely believed to be a psychopath, has captivated attention of filmmakers now to make a full length movie based on his life. Noted directors have spoken with a glint in their eye about the life of this criminal, who made headlines through the 70s for his dozen murders and also went under the name of the bikini killer. DAR Motion Pictures who has produced 'Dangerous Ishq' & 'Haunted 3D' , has acquired the rights of 'The Bikini Murders' and hunt to find the perfect on-screen Charles is on.  Sobhraj is currently in a Nepalese prison after the Supreme Court of that country in 2010 held him guilty for the murder of a US citizen. Well, the audience is already very excited to see the reel story of Charles Sobhraj.

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