There are many glamorous heroines in the film industry but then it takes a special quality and sex appeal to get closer to the masses. Today, the likes of Tamannah, Samantha have a good following but they are not the taste that the mass audience wants. But here is one class girl who seems to be fitting into that requirement.

She is Amala Paul. When she made her debut with the film ‘Naana’, Amala Paul was seen as a class and refined girl. But later on, she began to show her mass side in films like ‘Naayak’ and soon she will show it again in ‘Jenda Pai Kapiraju’. Many are saying Amala has a natural beauty which makes her very desirable.


Few stills from her new film ‘Iddaramayilatho’ are also creating heat waves among the mass audiences. They say that more than having a glamour and style, Amala is more naturally seductive. That way, she is heading in the right direction to become the in-demand commercial heroine.

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