Baadshah of Tollywood NTR has said good bye to his bachelorhood at 27, marrying beautiful Lakshmi Pranathi in 2011. As expected NTR turned more responsible like a perfect husband by wrapping up shoots early to spend quality time with his better-half [lucky girl Pranathi].

As a normal Indian wife Pranathi have a big dream for her sweet husband NTR. Any guesses folks? You might be thinking that Pranathi wants to have a long HONEYMOON strip which she missed? May be to see NTR ruling tollywood as NO. 1 hero? Sadly these are not her dreams.

Pranathi BIG DREAM for NTR is to see him as CHIEF MINISTER of our state in future. And there is a strong reason for that dream too, said sources. Pranathi has grown up seeing her uncle Chandra Babu Naidu as CM of AP and in childhood only she decided that her husband too be someone who has all qualifications to become CM of a state. Undoubtedly our young tiger NTR have those things to fullest  and at right time he will crown CM chair for sure full filling her dream, what say folks.

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