Though it is not followed in the south, in the north celebrity appearances for bigshot weddings are a tradition. Most of the time the top notch Bollywood stars are roped in to make a presence during the wedding. Some are also roped in to do a special dance number. But all this comes at a cost and that too very high premium.

In that, it is heard that Shahrukh Khan is leading the list. Sources say he has become a monopoly in that aspect. This is because other big stars like Aamir Khan and Salman Khan have stopped doing this. According to reports, Shahrukh charges about $ 15000 for a single appearance at a wedding.


And if he has to perform at a wedding then he has to be paid Rs 8 crores for a thirty minute performance. With no other star around, King Khan is the ruler and what he demands he gets. In between, Akshay Kumar has also been doing something similar. So if you want to invite SRK for your wedding please note the costs.

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