Putukku Jara Jara Dubukku Me Music Director – Sree Venkat

Putukku Jara Jara Dubukku MeLyricist – Sadachandra, Nishanth

Putukku Jara Jara Dubukku Me Singers – Rahul, Tagubothu Ramesh, Danraj, Venu, Deepthi Chowdary, Vijay Prasad, Geetha Madhuri, Prakesh

Putukku Jara Jara Dubukku Mae Song 1 - Putukku Jara Jara

Title track Putukku Jara Jara was inked by Sadachandra and Rahul sang it. Attention-grabbing song for sure with enjoyable lyrics and even Rahul did his best to keep the song entertaining till end. Sree Venkat had showcased his potential as music director with his first attempt, fantastic song to open the music album folks.

Putukku Jara Jara Dubukku Me Song 2 - Are O Samba

Sadachandra has inked lyrics for this song and Tagubothu Ramesh, Danraj, Venu, Deepthi Chowdary has given their voice. This song is a complete fun ride from starting to end with interesting lyrics and natural voice of Tagubothu Ramesh, Danraj, Venu added more weight. Music director deserves big kudos for different variations, musical instruments used and this song will definitely be a hit in masses.

Putukku Jara Jara Dubukku Me Song 3 – Ayyare Ayyare

Vijay Prasad has sung this song and Sadachandra penned lyrics. Vijay voice sounded fresh and even lyrics sounded neat reflecting situation in the movie. There is a raw mass beat in every song of this album which continued here too and it’s good to hear every musical instrument, music note sinking perfectly. This song will be welcomed in B, C centers quickly and but for sure at A center’s it will pick up slowly.

Putukku Jara Jara Dubukku Me Song 4 – Rasagulla

Here comes item song of this flick, Nishanth has provided lyrical support and item songs specialist Geetha Madhuri sung it along with Prakesh. Lyrics of this song sound alright but Geetha Madhuri magic worked yet again and Prakesh gave nice support to her. One of the impressive item song of 2013 I heard so far, guess it will rock on silver screen if apt mass dances moves are added to the song. 

Putukku Jara Jara Dubukku Me Song 5 – Gupchup Are O Samba

This is Sadachandra fourth song which he penned for this movie and Rahul’s sung for second time. Lyrics sounded OK OK and even Rahul voice sounded fine. Over all song sounded neat with little runtime. 

Putukku Jara Jara Dubukku Me Songs Analysis

As title of the movie indicates humor, most of the songs has funny crisp with good mass beat. Overall it’s a decent album. 

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