It is important for every actress to plan her career carefully when she is going through a success phase. One wrong move can change her total fate and within no time she will become a flop heroine. This is the case of one such heroine who also shot to fame as a child artist. Later, she stepped into Tollywood.

Her debut film became a blockbuster and many expected her to take off. But instead, she made some wrong moves and spoiled her chances. Not only that, the Tollywood people say she has a very bad attitude and the way she uses foul language will put even a man to shame. With this, this actress is being kept at a distance.


Another thing the cine people say is her body odour. Despite several requests and reminders, this short heroine has never bothered to put a check on her body odour and heroes used to have a tough time. Anyways, now this heroine is stuck to only doing stage shows and dancing during film events.

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