Looks like Ram Charan is going to be only victim of Samaikhyandhra JAC and Pawan is going to be in safe zone for now. Our reliable sources from seemandhra has given information that Samaikhyandhra JAC youth leaders have warned to stop the screening of Mega films till Cabinet Minister Chiranjeevi resigns for his ministry post and joins United Andhra Pradesh movement.

Samaikhyandhra JAC feels that their main target is Chiru’s son Ram Charan who will be arriving with ‘Yevadu’ soon. None of the agitators is thinking to touch Pawan Kalyan and 'Atharintiki Daaredi’ because Pawan has more followers than pro Samaikhyandhra protesters. Another reason is some of JAC youth leaders are also the members of Power Star Fans club.

They added further that “We are not targeting Pawan Kalyan film as he has nothing to do with issue. We are unhappy with Chiranjeevi’s recent statement. So, our prime target is his son Ram Charan. If Chiru doesn’t change his mind set on the issue, we won’t go back in stopping Charan’s film.” Let’s see what decision Samaikhyandhra JAC main body will take?

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