Megastar cum union minister Chiranjeevi may well be away from facing the camera and arc lights for cinemas but his heart and soul is always bonded here. There are many who say even today Chiranjeevi personally sits in the editing room for Ram Charan’s films and gives valuable inputs and suggestions.

Now, it is heard that Chiranjeevi is creating a new power center. This is by starting a newspaper. These are the days when many are trying their best to start TV channels because of better revenues and more influence but it is a thing with high budget. So, it is heard that Chiru wants to take it step by step.


The reason it is being perceived as a power center is if the mega family heroes come together to promote this newspaper then it is going to overtake the big players. Reports say that there is a lot of concentration on cinema in this newspaper. If it works as planned then Chiranjeevi will be able to salvage his declining image to a good level.

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