Ram Gopal Varma of late every now and then tweeting about Power Star Pawan Kalyan. He is desperately trying to bring Pawan into politics. He has been lavishing praises on him and throwing flowers of flattery on him saying no leader can match his stature at present.

Some feel he is insulting Pawan Kalyan as he tweeted that with the kind of image Pawan enjoying at present, he can never do a film. Many say Ramu is doing all this to direct Pawan Kalyan but many feel given his recent track record Pawan will never give Ramu a chance to direct him.

RGV might have been a sensation some year back but at present he became laughing stock with his films. Ramu tweeted “With the kind of enormous following Pawan Kalyan has got I can never ever do a film which will please his huge fan following. My method of film making is different which can’t be suited to his on screen image”. He added “I see a great leader in Pawan Kalyan. I don’t know much about politics. But if Pawan starts a new party it will rewrite the history. He has a great charisma like that of Bal Thackrey and has the ability to attract people".

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