These days even the biggest of stars like Shah Rukh Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Salman Khan, Ram Charan and others go to different places to promote their films. But if there is one star who is not seen even in a success meet, it is Pawan Kalyan. The power star’s screen presence is sufficient to create records at box office.

But for the first time, Pawan has reportedly decided to change his policy and come forward to meet his fans. This was to happen as part of the success meet for his film ‘Attarintiki Daredi’. Sources say the whole idea of having success meet in a grand way was Pawan’s as he wanted to genuinely thank his fans for the support.


But now the success meet stands cancelled and no particular reason is being given. Still, it is heard that Pawan has not let go of the idea and very soon it is expected to happen and Pawan will be there. So, if any of the fans are disappointed about it then they don’t have to because the power star will come and thank you.

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