Young Tiger NTR's Ramayya Vastavayya is all set for spectacular release Tomorrow. Film directed by Harish Shankar stars Samantha and Shruti Hasan. Fans are waiting with bated breath to catch the action after getting attracted by NTR's powerful dialogues, dances and Thaman's music. They are confident of the film turning into blockbuster aided with the glamour of Samantha and Shruti Hasan.

According to the latest Harih Shankar the director who is keen to repeat his Gabbar Singh magic, expressed his desire to take the film to Bollywood. He says he got many offers from Bollywood filmmakers to direct remakes of many Tollywood hits but he informed him that he was interested in directing the remake of his film.

He says Ramayya's hindi version will be changed accordingly in the script. It is a great news for NTR's fans. Now the question is will the hindi version star NTR or Bollywood star?

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