Prince Mahesh Babu along with his wife Namrata is involving in a noble act. Mahesh who earlier came forward to fight against atrocities and rapes committed against women, is now planning to help under privileged children. The celebrity couple are becoming the brand ambassadors of Hyderabad based NGO which gives medical help to ill children. Mahesh and Namrata says as a parents they know the pain of parents whose kids are suffering. Mahesh and Namrata spoke about their children Gautam and Sitara. Namrata speaking about the reason behind their decision says “We have two children, Gautam and Sitara, so we understand the trials and tribulations parents undergo when their child is ill. Gautam was a pre-mature baby, and we faced a lot of anxious moments. We were fortunate enough to be able to provide him with all the necessary treatments, and thankfully now, he’s a healthy boy. " Namrata turning emotional adds "But there are a number of unfortunate parents out there who don’t have the financial resources — there are some who can’t even secure a hospital bed when their child is sick. It’s very sad.”. Mahesh is currently starring in Nenokkadine-One and Aagadu. 

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