Remember Sunny Leone, the porn star French starlet doing rounds in Bollywood and south Indian films and how she has been scorching Indian youth with her no holds bar exposure. The craze for this all baring pink beauty has reached such heights that many Telugu and Tamil producers are queening up before her for an item song date . Latest in the line is the top Tamil producer and director Dayanidhi Alagiri who wants her for his 'Vada curry' film and the sexy siren who has set a craziest  popular record for wearing just 30 cms of clothing on her hot body has also agreed to reduce it further to 25 cms in the Kollywood film. Dahanidhi has hired a costume designer just to make a dress for Sunny with minimum-est clothing for the item song scene in a road side dhaba. Industry sources say that Sunny has asked a whopping 50 lakhs for item song and producer has also agreed .' I will pay Rs.75 lakhs if you reduce it to 20 cms '.Dayanidhi has offered and Sunny has said 'OK Boss'. Now all fingers are crossed on how they shoot Sunny in her new designed dress and if the censors will also OK it ? .

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