There are days where movies faced a crisis for a hit after their Piracy was out, Many movies went deep into dark without hits because of Piracy but a movie showed that even piracy can't kill a good movie.  Attarintiki Daredi which faced a serious troubles after a leak of movie just before release itself and many guessed that'e the end a good movie, But Tollywood's unity proved that nothing is impossible. Apart from Pawan kalyna fans each and every fan supported this film and finally they got a good result for keeping their trust on Attarintiki Daredi. Movie reaches a roaring 100 days mark which is impossible these days. Attarintiki Daredi is a hit from day one and everyone knew this would break many records after release, keeping their hopes alive movie showed a bumper results at Box office by celebrating 100 days function in 32 centers. Movie released in 1200 screens worldwide on September 27th and finished it's 50 days function in 170 centers. Due to some big movie releases movie is forced to opt out many theaters from it's list. A grand functions by fans are conducted all over world and a 101 KG cake celebrations will be held by film unit. BVSN Prasad producer of Attarintiki Daredi is over joyed by this and he too spends lots of amount for celebrations. Pawan kalyan and Samantha played lead roles and Pranitha too maintained a good role, Trivikram direction and DSP rocking music helped this movie to reach many goalswhich are always an impossible tasks for T-town. Congrats to whole Attarintiki Daredi team.   Attarintiki Daredi 100 Days Confirmed Centers : Guntur                 : 3 Centers Krishna                : 4 Centers Nizam                  :  5 Centers Vizag                    : 1 Center West Godavari      :  2 Centers East Godavari       : 6 centers  Remaining District : 11 Centers 

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