Entire industry is shocked with the suicide of Young hero Uday Kiran who has given hat-trick hits in initial days of his career. He acquired huge no of fans without any filmy back ground, he proved that a guy from middle class family without any support can also acquire stardom in the industry but in the same time his suicide also proved that industry always partial and it is in the hands some top persons who can also have political power. Yes! We are not saying these words, some celebrities from film and political background who expressed their condolences on Uday Kiran’s death openly stated in front of media that who is reason behind dragging career of Uday Kiran. One of the creative directors Teja who introduced Uday Kiran stated, “I was in a state of shock after I came to know about the news from my friend. Uday is a very good man and the one who never does any harm to anyone. He looked so happy during his wedding and that was the last time we met. Though he wants to work with me again, I asked him to wait for some more time as my career is going great right now.” He also added “Lack of offers might push any actor into depression as they knew nothing other than acting. Media knows better than me, who had suppressed him in the Industry,” Adding fuel to these words Media Knows better than me, TDP Political leader Nannapaneni Rajakumari said, “I known Uday Kiran from his childhood, he is a good boy, Everyone in state known’s who suppressed Uday Kiran in industry, I don’t want to mention their names now, some big personalities made not to run his films in theatres. He was left alone in the Film Industry and Industry in hands of some big personalities”. Why these responsible persons in society are making statements like this? Who forced Uday to end his life? All the answers to the questions are not known. But these statements indirectly proved that Film Industry is mixed with cheap politics and it is completely in the hands some big personalities who can also have political power too.

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