Ram charan signed his next film with Krishna Vamsi and many are happy for this, but Ram charan really need to think on what story and what dialogues will Krishna Vamsi use in it. Krishna Vamsi is a popular Tollywood director who always fights back on political parties in his films and his revolutionary “Mahatma” with Srikanth is a sensation of all. Pushing that behind his recent flick “Paisa” enters spot light with more stuff of political issues unrelated to storyline. Most of films targets late Chief Minister and his son saying dialogues “People earn lakhs and crores and spend their time in jails”, no need to mention of whom Krishna vamsi means with that dialogue. Even heroine uses “Chu…” which is allowed by censor board surprised audience. Well if this plot is gonna continue in Ram charan film it may affect his father Chiranjeevi who is also active in politics. Any single word related to other parties or his own party may trouble chiru and also film to be released. This is really a testing movie for Ram charan says insiders.

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