Now that Telugu people are almost certain to have two states. The taxation policy for films is going to be a major issue. In general, other state films are taxed high in AP till now. The films which are mostly shot in AP will be given normal tax. But now with the state division, with facilities in Telangana, Seema Andhra government may impose more tax on films shot there. This high tax will encourage film makers to invest in the infrastructure building in Seema Andhra region. On the other side, A source in Telangana film chamber says that they will fight for common tax policy in both the states at least for the 10 years for which Hyderabad will be the common capital. However a clarity regarding this will come only after governments are formed in both the states. Film makers are in total confusion regarding the future of Telugu Cinema. Majority of film makers and actors are from Seema Andhra region. They fear safety and non cooperation from Telangana government after the bifurcation. Only time will address all the concerns!

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