Ali and Pawan Kalyan are closest pals. The actor make sure that Ali gets some role in all his films. But recently Pawan Kalyan faced embarrassment due to Ali. Here are the details why? It is known that Ali was conferred Honorary doctorate by Global Peace Mission from Coimbatore. It was told that they are giving this doctorate for Ali's services to film industry through hundreds of films as a comedian and hero (in some films). But recently it is revealed that Ali himself purchased the doctorate from Global Peace Mission paying them One and a Half Lakh Rupees to it. Not aware of all this Pawan Kalyan is speaking high of Ali's doctorate every where. He even arranged a felicitation for Ali on the sets of Attarintiki Daredi and even spoke high about him in the audio function of the movie too. A source close to Pawan Kalyan told us that the actor recently came to know about the actual reason behind the doctorate and felt very embarrassed.

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