Acting with Ajith is a golden opportunity as many actress gained stardom and popularity after acting with him, Tamanna is in complete form in all industries including Bollywood at present and also she recently paired up with Ajith for Veeram. Now Ajith has signed for one more film and cast are being searched for this flick.  Film unit are suggesting Tamanna for this role as their pair is already a hit one to continue the sentiment Tamana will be a perfect choice, Ajith too said yes for this flick but few of film unit are not happy with this decision and they are suggesting the cute beauty Samantha for this role and said that there will be a fresh look on screen.  Long discussions are done to select this pair and they are not yet on a final decision regarding this issue, as many are interested in Tamanna votes may go high for her to select but it all depends on Ajith’s decision. So let’s wait and watch who will win this Kolywood race and who will grab that lucky chance to act with Ajith.

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