Samantha the secret fan of Pawan kalyan is ready to go open on supporting him, Samantha though she liked Pawan and his policies very much did not take chance on making him highlighted as it will affect her career is now out to support him in politics. Samantha will be promoting Pawan kalyan party in 2014 election campaign. There is no official news regarding this but insiders of industry are discussing on this issue, Samantha and her thoughts are closely related to saving people and serving poor. So these ideologies are making her attract towards Pawan kalyan’s party, Samantha is heart throb of film industry is carrying a huge youth following. Mahesh babu fans may oppose her for making bad comments on Nenokkaidne but she can manage a good attention is industry talk. Pawan kalyan is also searching for industry help that can make him success in managing his new party in a short span of time. So get ready for a political movie bonanza.

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