Bala krishna's most awaited film "Legend" is storming everyday with special news and here comes one more news from Legend team. Legend tickets are being sold out and one of top fan of Bala krishna in USA dares to buy Legend ticket for $1116 and this is the first ticket to be sold out worldwide said Legend film unit.  Fan is proud to have his favorite heroes first day first ticket in world and he is overjoyed with this, I don't care of money when it matters with my favorite hero and I would even spent more if ticket rate demands. I came here to buy it with any cost and I got ti for $1116 said that fan to TOI. This shows following of Bala krishna and also Legend movie craze in public said one of Legend movie member. Meanwhile film unit are contriving to auction Legend peculiar bike very soon for a good cause. So it's all happy beginning for Legend team and hope this happiness to be continued even after release. 

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