Director Teja was once known for his sensational hits with young heroes like Nithin, Uday Kiran.. However he got completely derailed post Nijam with Mahesh Babu and went on delivering utter flops one after the other. Except for the past glory nothing remained with Teja right now and he is struggling to come to winning ways since many years.

Teja is currently doing a youthful film titled 'Hora Hori' which has debutant actors Dilip and Daksha playing the lead roles. Teja had chosen 100 cast and crew belonging to Telangana for this movie from the recently formed Telangana Film employees Federation. Teja will have two benefits from this.

His film will have craze in Nizam and the Telangana employees federation is offering to work at low wages. And the secret agenda behind this move is to woo Telangana government to give tax exemption for this film. We will have to see if KCR will be pleased with this effort of the Andhra director! On the other side, Hora Hori shooting is progressing at a brisk pace. We hope Telangana sentiment will help Teja some how!

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