Our readers are aware that Nagarjuna and Karthi are teaming up for a bilingual film in the direction of Vamshi Paidipalli. The movie went on floors couple of months back but now lands itself in a copyrights trouble. The movie is said to have inspired from a French film, 'Untouchables' and now that is inviting trouble.

Karan Johar recently bought the remake rights of that French film and is now likely to serve a legal notice of infringing copyrights to the makers, PVP Cinemas. King Nagarjuna will be seen as a patient suffering from a deadly disease in the film while Karthi will play the role of Nagarjuna's Care taker. 

Young Tiger NTR was supposed to play the role of Karthi in this movie earlier. But we do not know the reason, Karthi entered in his place. Karthi's entry however added value to this project in Tamil too. This is not the first controversy for this film. Earlier PVP dragged Shruti Hassan to court for walking out of the project in the last minute. Finally they went for an out of court settlement.

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