The video of a man in inebriated state falling on the feet of a flight attendant and pleading not to make a complaint is currently going viral on social media and is making rounds. The man, Bharat is seen pleading guilty, while the girl is seen refusing to forgive until he actually touches her feet to apologize.

Reportedly, this incident happened at Rajiv Gandhi international airport, after Bharat and his brother Kalyan verbally harassed that flight attendant in the video, in a parking lot. The flight attendant working for Indigo was returning from work, while the 2 guys made derogatory remarks.

The attendant immediately made a complaint to traffic police and the 2 were immediately taken to Rajiv Gandhi international airport police outpost. After realizing the consequences, the 2 men started pleading apology following which the attendant avoided filing a formal complaint.

The two men were made to be in the police station for a while before being released. However, inspector Mahesh of Rajiv Gandhi international airport station added that a nuisance case was filed against Bharat and Kalyan.

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