Leader of the opposition in Andhra Pradesh, Jagan Mohan Reddy, peeved at the way how he and his YSRCP MLAs were denied to talk by the speaker of Andhra Pradesh in the assembly served no confidence motion against the speaker.

However it is now coming out that Jagan Mohan Reddy behaved in an immature manner in the whole episode. Political analysts say Jagan showed his immaturity and political amateurship in the whole episode.

Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, Legislative affairs Minister speaking to scribes in the assembly lobbies said " Leader of the opposition Jagan Mohan Reddy didnot reveal the reason as to why he is introducing no confidence motion against the speaker. According to the assembly rules, one should provide reasons for introducing no confidence motion. The moment one sees Jagan Mohan Reddy's letter, one can outright reject the motion. So where is the question of discussion on it"

It is sad that Jagan Mohan Reddy who of late has been active and aggressively speaking in the assembly missed simple point and logic and got branded as politcal novice and unintelligent.

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