Presently Technology industry is a great career option, no matter how you look at it as it has some interesting work, high salaries and lots of opportunity has attracted many. Sighted below are some technology industries. First one is Data Scientist with median base salary of 1,16,840$ and the career opportunity rating is 4.1.

Next is Solution Architect with median base salary of 1, 19,500 and the career opportunities rating is 3.5. Next comes Mobile Developer with median base salary of 90,000$ and career opportunities rating of 3.8. Fourthly comes Product Manager with salary of 92,000 $.

Fifthly comes most welcomed job, which is Software Engineer with median base salary of 95,000$ and career opportunities rating of 3.3. Next is Analytics Manager with median base salary of 105,000$ and the career opportunities rating is 3.7.

Software Development Manager comes next with median base salary of 135,000$ and the career opportunities rating of 3.4. Ninth opportunity is QA Manager with median base salary of 85,000% and the career opportunities rating is just 3.4. Finally comes UX Designer with median base salary of 91,800$ and the career opportunities rating of 3.6.

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