Aging is a natural phenomenon for every one of us. But at times we envy on celebrities who look young even as they age. There are certain foods which can slow down the aging process. But apart from taking this, a healthy lifestyle and staying active also matters. The following foods are packed with anti-oxidants and this can prevent lots of age-related issues.

1. Olive Oil 

Olive oil contains MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids) and omega-3. This always provides the body the much needed healthy fats and the oil is a good source of polyphennols. They have strong anti-oxidants which are needed to balance the free radicals.

2. Yogurt

The perfect edible to prevent from bone weakness. It is a rich source of protein and calcium. It also has billions of good bacteria and is much needed for digestive functions. Take yogurt twice a day for much better results.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli contains Vitamin C and it has the dietary fibers which keeps the body light. It also has beta carotene and selenium which provides the much needed energy for the body. 

4. Dark Chocolate

The high cocoa content is what benefits the body. The cocoa content has minerals like iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium. It has lots of anti-oxidants and this prevents the damage done by free radicals. 

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