What is the best time to Study ? This is one of the common question faced by students. Most of us prefer to know the best time to study. But in real world, every student is different and there is NO PERFECT time to study. All you need to do is choose a time when you are awake and energetic. 

Also few prefer Day time Studying and few others Night Time studying. In real, there is no scientific point of studying. Here we give a comparison of Day time Vs Night time studying. Check it out,

Attention is necessary more than the timings while studying. Some qualities of memory and alertness seem to be better at different times of the day. For example: Visual memory in the morning, critical thinking in the noon while most suffer a dip in the early afternoon

Also consistency is essential. If you make a plan to study, make sure you can stick to it and work towards it consistently. That is necessary to improve the quality of work.

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